Conference Program



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All the panels will take place in the:

Sperry Room at Andover Hall - Harvard Divinity School
-Prayer space will be made available

Friday, 5th March

7:00 PM

A Celebration of Persian Music
presenting the

Hafez Quartet

Saturday, 6th March

08:00 AM

Andover Hall
-Speed "check-in" for pre-registered participants.

09:00 AM Welcoming Remarks

Keynote Address - Karen Leonard

Professor, Anthropology-Social Science
University of California, Irvine

"American Muslims: Constructions of Race, Religion, and the Nation."

10:00 AM

Muslims and Public Policy
Facilitator : Prof. Jocelyne Cesari - Harvard University

Charles Dunbar - Professor, Simmons College
Amaney Jamal - Professor, Princeton University
Dr. Muqtedar Khan - Fellow, Brookings Institution

01:00 PM

Lunch Break

02:30 PM

Teaching Islam
Facilitator : Prof. Diane Moore - Harvard University

Louis Abdellatif Cristillo - Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia Univ.
Marcia Hermansen - Professor, Loyola University
Karim H. Karim- Professor, Carleton University

  End of Saturday Program

Sunday, 7th March

09:00 AM

Construction of the 'Other'
amongst the Abrahamic Faiths

Facilitator : Prof. Harvey Cox - Harvard University

Mahmoud Ayoub - Professor, Temple University
Francis Peters - Professor, New York University
Reuven Firestone - Professor, Hebrew Union College
Patrice Brodeur - Professor, Connecticut College

12:00 Noon Lunch Break
01:30 PM

Town Hall Meeting

In this final session the Conference, participants will be able to discuss issues across all three topics with all speakers from three panels in a Town Hall setting.

04:30 PM Closing Remarks