About the Conference



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The Islam in America Conference

The Islam in America Conference is an annual student run event held at Harvard University during the spring semester. Over the past years, the Conference has provided a unique and powerful platform for a discourse of different issues in this very important area. Since the first Conference in 2000 a number of eminent scholars in the field have presented their research in areas of arts and culture, politics, diversity, gender and leadership and have fostered vibrant discussions year to year.

The Conference located at the Harvard Divinity School is a result of the perennial dedicated effort of HDS students with collaboration from students across the University, generous guidance from members of the Harvard Faculty and the indispensable support of donors and funders.

Islam in America Conference Mission:

  1. Provide an academic forum at Harvard on the growth and development of Islam in America.
  2. Address critical issues that affect the lives of Muslims in America.
  3. Encourage Muslims to take an active part in documenting their own history in America.
  4. Improve the channels of communication between the researchers and the subjects so as to provide a more accurate and better-informed account of Muslim American history.
  5. Inform the community at large about these findings to promote understanding, fellowship and pluralism.

While Islam in America is an academic conference since the target audience is, first and foremost, the academic community; participation by professionals, religious leaders, educators, and the Muslim and non-Muslim community at large is encouraged.

For additional information please contact: islam_in_america@hds.harvard.edu